appendix AJavaScript Reference Resources
CONTENTSThe following is a list of selected JavaScript and Java reference resources on the Internet, organized by type of resource. World Wide Web SitesJavaScript Overview Netscape's brief introduction to JavaScript, which includes pointers to several examples and a link to the JavaScript documentation. http://home.netscape.com/comprod/products/navigator/version_2.0/script/index.html JavaScript Documentation Netscape's official JavaScript documentation and reference materials. http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/Gold/handbook/javascript/index.html JavaScript Index A comprehensive index of JavaScript-related pages, including sites using JavaScript, teaching JavaScript, and offering JavaScript consulting and development services. http://www.c2.org/~andreww/javascript/ JavaScript Library A growing library of JavaScript examples and applications available on the Web. http://www.c2.org/~andreww/javascript/lib/ JavaScript PDF Documentation The JavaScript documentation from the Netscape Web site in Adobe Acrobat format for easy printing. http://www.ipst.com/docs.htm Morphic Molecules A collection of advanced information and mini-tutorials about different aspects of JavaScript. http://www.txdirect.net/users/everett/ Learning JavaScript with Windows Help Offers a Windows help file with information for learning JavaScript. http://www.jchelp.com/javahelp/javahelp.htm JavaScript Tutorial A growing tutorial covering many aspects of JavaScript. http://www.webconn.com/java/javascript/intro Gamelan A leading repository of Java applets that also includes a JavaScript section. http://www.gamelan.com/ Java Home Page Sun's source of official information about Java. http://www.javasoft.com Mailing ListsJavaHouse Focuses on Java with some coverage of JavaScript. http://www.center.nitech.ac.jp/ml/java-house/hypermail/0000 JavaScript List Focuses on JavaScript (can be high volume). Subscribe by sending an e-mail to [email protected] with "subscribe JavaScript" in the message body. Newsgroupscomp.lang.java.misc Discussion of Java with some JavaScript talk. news:comp.lang.java.misc comp.lang.javascript Discussion of JavaScript. news:comp.lang.javascript Live Software's Developer Group news://news.livesoftware.com/
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